Wednesday, September 21, 2011

August 11

Woke up early for class, then bought a chai while I waited.. As I was sitting outside the room, reviewing my presentation notes, I felt something on the back of my neck, so I rubbed it away and when I looked down at my hands, I saw a dead, crumpled spider!!! OMG, It definitely felt like it pricked me, so I felt around on my neck a little. I panicked a bit and when Jane came to class, I asked her to look at my neck. She said it was red, but just looked like I had rubbed it, not like a big spider bite. I watched myself for the rest of class, thinking Ok, just don't pass out before my presentation!! Ack. Anyway, I felt ok. The place of the bite felt a little numb, but it didn't feel like it was affecting my whole body, so I guess it was OK, not one of the deadly spiders... My presentation went well and then I went by the clinic to schedule a doctor's appointment. Not for the bite, but to ask about a new form of birth control that I heard about from the English girl - an implant in your arm that lasts 3 years! After, I went back to the hostel, skyped with my parents and boyfriend, then studied for the rest of the day. I watched a couple movies in the evening and was supposed to go out, but my friends cancelled on me. Oh well. 

Roommates: German moved out. Taiwanese girl moved in. English girl was supposed to move out a couple days ago, but didn’t. So who knows when she’s leaving. I guess Denmark and I are the semi-permanent residents. After 3 days in a row of working at the bar, Denmark quit. She hated it and the booty shorts they made her wear! haha

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