The three of us tried to sleep in as long as possible. When we finally woke up, everyone was already preparing a mass breakfast for everyone. I’ve never seen so many poached eggs, slices of bacon and toast! I guess the boys had taken care of brekkie. Afterwards, we did a blitz clean-up and then most people started heading out. Lina had to go back to catch an orientation on Monday, so she went back with Simon and the Irish girls. Jillian and I helped Michael clean up the catering rentals and then headed down to the creek with a bottle of wine to shoot some rifles. Jillian, who is scared of roller coasters, loud noises, and most thrill-seeking activities, took a back seat and shied away from the guns. I, of course, was ready to go! The gun was much heavier than I expected, and I braced it with my shoulder and aimed into the water. Not bad! Then he shot the bigger gun and warned Jillian that it might be a bit louder. It was a LOT louder. I aimed against a log, and shot at a piece of wood in the water. I hit it, but barely knew because I felt the shock wave from it and a ringing in my ears that lingered for a while. Wow! What fun!! Jillian did not want to try, so we just finished off the wine and headed back for a dinner cooked by Michael’s father and step-mother. We watched a little TV and then headed to sleep.

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