Saturday, July 31, 2010
July 30
Friday, July 30, 2010
July 29
Lina asked Michael to use his spare car this weekend, since we weren't going camping with them. Originally, he said yes, then he told us that his friends were gonna meet them, so they would be using it. This and a bunch of other stuff put Lina in a bad mood and so it was difficult to try to plan the weekend with her being so crabby. It's unfortunate that we aren't better friends because I don't know how to deal with that. Press a little, or give her space, etc.. We'll see. We're def. doing something fun for her birthday, and hopefully she'll be in a better mood tomorrow... Meanwhile, we researched new internet plans because we need more/faster internet.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
July 28
Here's a photo from market day of a koala and kangaroo. Is that RooPoo in his marsupial pouch?!
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
July 27
It was raining when I got out of class (and while I was swimming), so I walked up to get some lunch and then head to my Event Sponsorship Class. I walked in right on time to a full room and took the very last seat in the front row. The room was about 95% Asian (Majority Chinese) and I was the only native English speaker. About 10 min into class, a guy walks in and says that our classroom has been moved to a different building, so we all get up and walk over to another building. No one can find the entrance to the building or the classroom and after about 10 min of wandering around, we all start going in separate directions! Finally, someone passes word through the crowd that we are going back to our original room! Ugh! What a headache. 30 min of class wasted. Again, the grading for this class is based on two reports, each worth 50% of my grade!! As a Business Econ undergrad, I am used to exams, so during the class I was taking notes furiously, thinking "Oh, Definition, this could be a test question!" Wrong... It's a lot of pressure for these reports, I'm a little nervous about the amount of research and how they are starting to all be due around the same dates!! At least I don't have finals, yet, which means more summer vacation in November!!! We'll see about the other two classes...
Went to the bookstore for more books, and then took the bus home. Ended up on the same bus as Lina! Came home, then all three of us went to the grocery store and cooked some dinner, then retired early. Michael sent us an email saying that lots of people were bailing on the beach camping trip this weekend, so since he could only take one carload now, he's taking the Irish girls. We felt literally voted off the island since we didn't make the cut. But we understand, because the Irish girls are leaving in a few weeks, and we can go another time... Oh well. Guess we're going to the Gold Coast to party this weekend, instead!
Monday, July 26, 2010
July 26
Then, I headed to my academic advisor to check and see if my academic plan was OK. It wasn't. She wants me to take my core classes this semester because there is no guarantee they would be offered in my last semester, and if they aren't, I can't complete my program on-time which has other major repercussions. Since I was enrolled in a different class, I did not attend the lecture today for the core class, so I asked her what to do since I had clearly missed the first day. She got the professor who happened to be in her office and I apologized for the mix-up and was able to get the class syllabus and a brief summary of what had happened (nothing much on the first day). Whoops!!! Then I asked the adviser why they didn't have an Orientation for the School of Tourism and she said, "We did." I told her that I checked my email everyday and looked several times on the website for such an orientation and never got any information about it. But apparently, they went over all of that stuff and even had a meet and greet with the professors on Tuesday! I felt like the biggest, dumbest blonde in the world. I'm not usually an airhead so for me to think that she is perceiving me that way makes me very embarrassed and angry!! Ugh. At least I didn't miss much in that first class.
Then I headed over to the computer lab to change my enrollment and we walked to the bookstore to try to find some books for our classes. Lina found hers, but mine weren't there. Then we took the City Cat ferry downtown, got some lunch and activated my Blackberry!! So excited. I spent the rest of the evening playing with it and loading my emails, apps onto it. Michael's kitchen is almost done upstairs and I'm very happy because maybe I won't be woken up to drills and hammers above my head every morning. His fridge didn't fit in the space they built for it, though, so he switched fridges with us (we got an upgrade!!) this evening. Ate Top Ramen for dinner - really getting back into the college mode! haha
My first class has two assignments. 1 Report, 1 Essay... each worth 50% of my grade! WTF
I found $40 US in my beach bag. Score! Then I put it back into the small pocket I found it in, and zipped it up. The zipper ripped completely off, sealing the $40 inside! I <3 instant karma.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
July 25
July 24
We headed to Michael's friend's house for a Birthday BBQ for Rowena, one of the Irish girls. From there, we walked to SunCorp Stadium for the Rugby Match and afterward, followed the sports crowd to Caxton Street bars. I very much enjoy Rugby as a sport because the ball is always in play, so it's always exciting, it can get turned over at anytime, and because it's pretty rough - they get tackled with no padding, then get back up and run again! The Wallabies won, so it was a good game to see. We ended up at an Irish Pub, Kitty O'Sheas where the Irish girls sang Irish jigs. Then we went home around 3am by Taxi.

The Story of Roo-Poo:
While getting ready to go out, Michael mentioned he had a blow-up Kangaroo named RooPoo that has been around the world with him, including in France on Bastille Day last year. Jillian agreed to wear RooPoo on her back, if Michael wore the green and yellow Mullet wig! We get to the BBQ and Jillian discovered that RooPoo is wearing a bright yellow Mankini, so she promptly tries to renege on her deal, stating that if she had known about the Mankini prior, she would not have agreed. We insist that she keeps her end of the bargain, and I agree to blow up Senor RooPoo. Lina situates the Mankini properly and Michael tries to stuff the Mankini with actual sausages from the Barbie, but we tell him that has gone too far. She finally agrees to strap on the Marsupial and we head off to the stadium. Once at the stadium, the guards refuse to let us in and say that we have to give up K-Jizzle (Jillian's ghetto nickname for the Roo). We can't even bring him in deflated. So, we put him in their trusty hands and they give us a claim check ticket.
Once the game is over, we headed to the Info desk and tried to collect RooPoo, but they told us that RooPoo is no longer there. And older gentleman explained he had seen RooPoo, but that he was given away to some girl with long blonde hair. Michael was devastated and started calling people, telling them that his baby is gone! (Meanwhile, Lina and I suppressed "A dingo stole my baby" jokes) Jillian caused a scene, gave them the old Jewish guilt for giving RooPoo to the wrong people without a claim ticket. But, there wasn't much that could be done. So we headed to the bars and kept an eye out for RooPoo, vowing to jump the Roo-Nappers if we found them. At one point, in a crowd, I got on Lina's shoulders and scanned the crowd looking for our lost Roo, to no avail.

Saturday, July 24, 2010
July 23

Friday, July 23, 2010
July 22
Thursday, July 22, 2010
July 21

Wednesday, July 21, 2010
July 20
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
July 19

Monday, July 19, 2010
July 18
The three of us tried to sleep in as long as possible. When we finally woke up, everyone was already preparing a mass breakfast for everyone. I’ve never seen so many poached eggs, slices of bacon and toast! I guess the boys had taken care of brekkie. Afterwards, we did a blitz clean-up and then most people started heading out. Lina had to go back to catch an orientation on Monday, so she went back with Simon and the Irish girls. Jillian and I helped Michael clean up the catering rentals and then headed down to the creek with a bottle of wine to shoot some rifles. Jillian, who is scared of roller coasters, loud noises, and most thrill-seeking activities, took a back seat and shied away from the guns. I, of course, was ready to go! The gun was much heavier than I expected, and I braced it with my shoulder and aimed into the water. Not bad! Then he shot the bigger gun and warned Jillian that it might be a bit louder. It was a LOT louder. I aimed against a log, and shot at a piece of wood in the water. I hit it, but barely knew because I felt the shock wave from it and a ringing in my ears that lingered for a while. Wow! What fun!! Jillian did not want to try, so we just finished off the wine and headed back for a dinner cooked by Michael’s father and step-mother. We watched a little TV and then headed to sleep.

Sunday, July 18, 2010
July 17
There is a song here in Australia that when played, men must immediately drop their pants and sing along. We had never seen such a phenomenon, but watched in awe as all of these guys we had just spent the weekend getting to know proceeded to follow tradition! At another point in the evening, we had a streaker, multiple singers took the mic, and there was revelry all around. The cake was a traditional Chocolate Irish Biscuit Cake, which was interesting and delicious. Toward the end of the night, more wood was delivered for the large bonfire and of course Lina and I ran over to lend a hand. She jumped in the truck and handed huge, heavy logs to two guys and me, who then walked it and threw them on the fire. I say “logs”, but I should really call them trees, because they were probably anywhere from 50-150 lb logs, some even 4 feet long! Later we wondered why other men didn’t come help, but oh well. That’s our pro-activeness taking the lead. We probably headed to bed around 2am, crawling over people now sprawled out all over the farmhouse floor.

Saturday, July 17, 2010
July 16

In the evening, we loaded up the cars and headed down to the Creek, which is a nearby place that the boys have a yearly camping trip called Farm Fest. We built a big bonfire and BBQed some sausages and drank and got to know the boys. Jillian had never peed in the wilderness before, so Lina and I taught her how to squat and let it loose, sans toilet paper. After a couple drinks, she was a pro! I however, struggled to make it up the hill in my flat Ugg boots and fell a couple times. I have NO recollection of getting back to the farm, but somehow, we made it back and then tried to teach the aussies how to play beer pong, without ping pong balls. We used a cap and the game went pretty fast. Then Ryan, who was playing with us, taught us some card game, which seemed to be pretty random doling out or taking drinks. At some point, the boys played some Didgeridoo, and Jillian and I tried to play, but didn’t realize how hard it would be. Apparently, you have to relax your lips so much, and play like a giant trumpet, but ours only came out sounding like raspberries! =( We gave up pretty fast and went to bed.

Friday, July 16, 2010
July 15

Thursday, July 15, 2010
July 14
Here's the beautiful sunset from our patio in Bardon:

Wednesday, July 14, 2010
July 13

Tuesday, July 13, 2010
July 12
Monday, July 12, 2010
July 11
Sunday, July 11, 2010
July 10
Saturday, July 10, 2010
July 9
Michael drove us to the grocery store and we spent a good hour orso, inching up and down the aisles, choosing for the first time how we would eat together, and pick out food in an Aussie Supermarket. I’m sure Michael thought we were nuts, but these things take a little time to get used to the layout of a new store, culture shock of different foods, and trying to sort out who likes/eats what. We loaded his trunk full of groceries and then headed back to the airport to pick up his brother, Simon, who was coming in from Tasmania for Michael’s birthday party.
For dinner, we walked down to Rosalie (20 min walk), and ate at a burger place, met up with some of his friends, and then headed out to some bars in the Valley. Maybe it’s because we were so jetlagged, but no matter how much we drank, we stayed sober. We went to a pretty nice bar, but pretty soon his friends that met us wanted to dance, so we walked to a nearby dance club called Kaliber, that played old school stuff. Everything from Backstreet Boys to Michael Jackson to Jay Z to Grease! It was such a mish-mash, but a lot of fun. Jillian, Lina and I hit our limit around 2am and shared a taxi back to our house. Pretty impressive for a first night!