Made delicious breakfast, then headed to campus to meet with my group. Manuel was very late, so we started without him and when he finally showed, he was really dressed up. I said to him, "Uhh, you know the Meet the Industry Leaders thing is tomorrow, right?" He said, Dammit!! I guess he thought today was Sept 1st and I had to tell him it wasn't. We met in the School of Journalism and there happened to be free sandwiches from some of the faculty. Surprise! Free Lunch. I love it.
Anyway, then we went to class which was boring as usual because our lecturer has this monotone voice. After class, I decided to get some good studying in, so I went over to the graduate business and law library and studied for a few hours until it was dark. Then I headed home on the bus, just in time to meet Lina to take the 7:30pm bus home. We sat down next to her bus crush, who had avoided her in the morning! Hah. Little did he know, we also catch the same bus home. We made small talk and hoped to smooth things over with him so that he wouldn't ignore us and have it be awkward if we see him again.
Here's a scene from campus, near my class, in the late afternoon sun:
Making lots of progress on my assignments that are due soon!
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Monday, August 30, 2010
August 30
Ok, so I had a little freak out this morning because I realized my first big paper is due in 10 days! Ahh! I need to focus because I have one due on Sept 10, another on Sept 14, and another on Sept 15th...Class was good, but I realized I am becoming the teacher's pet. I sent her a list of things to do in LA, and she came up and personally thanked me before class. Then, because we had a group thing in class last week, there was a little prize and my group won! I got a UQ water bottle, which is actually just what I needed.. Then I must've raised my hand like 5 times in class. UGH. The rest of the students must hate me because I'm becoming THAT person.
Anyway, then I had a mini freak out about some personal issues that took my focus for about 40 minutes of prime library study time. Luckily, my brain's spin cycle was interrupted and I realized it is best to just leave some things alone and not cause unnecessary drama. So, I studied in the library for a bit, decided on the topic for my assignment due on Sept 24th, and then went home. Instead of studying there, I talked to friends and family for a long time and then power-napped. Tried to study, ate dinner, etc. Michael left for Cambodia today, so we have the house to ourselves (and dog-sitting duties) for the next few weeks.
I saw a movie preview for a chick flick that I want to see, although I already know it's gonna remind me a little too much of my current situation. Last night, I watched Breakfast at Tiffany's for the first time in a while and realized with sadness that it's not my favorite movie anymore. I no longer believe that people can't belong to each other, and I don't feel as flighty as she does anymore. I am sad that I don't relate to her character anymore, because it is such a romantic idea, but then again, maybe this is a sign that I'm actually growing up. I'm not a scared, helpless little girl anymore. Don't worry. Taming of the Shrew still applies to me. I am still waiting for someone to force me out of my stubborn pride. Haha
Anyway, then I had a mini freak out about some personal issues that took my focus for about 40 minutes of prime library study time. Luckily, my brain's spin cycle was interrupted and I realized it is best to just leave some things alone and not cause unnecessary drama. So, I studied in the library for a bit, decided on the topic for my assignment due on Sept 24th, and then went home. Instead of studying there, I talked to friends and family for a long time and then power-napped. Tried to study, ate dinner, etc. Michael left for Cambodia today, so we have the house to ourselves (and dog-sitting duties) for the next few weeks.
I saw a movie preview for a chick flick that I want to see, although I already know it's gonna remind me a little too much of my current situation. Last night, I watched Breakfast at Tiffany's for the first time in a while and realized with sadness that it's not my favorite movie anymore. I no longer believe that people can't belong to each other, and I don't feel as flighty as she does anymore. I am sad that I don't relate to her character anymore, because it is such a romantic idea, but then again, maybe this is a sign that I'm actually growing up. I'm not a scared, helpless little girl anymore. Don't worry. Taming of the Shrew still applies to me. I am still waiting for someone to force me out of my stubborn pride. Haha
August 29
I was really hoping to go lay out on the beach, but it was windy, so instead we went to the swap meet. Then headed to the mall for a bit of shopping and lunch, and to some Outlet stores. Then decided we should head back to Brisbane. I drove for most of it. Quite a different experience on the other side of the road, especially in a stick shift. It's especially weird trying to shift with your other hand, and turn signals, and looking up at the mirrors on your other side, etc. It's hard not to drift to the left of your lane out of habit. So the whole time I was concentrating on staying in the right part of the lane. When we got to the city, it was a bit of a different story. I was OK if I knew where I was going, but it's easy to get flustered when you are trying to figure out where to turn, shift, turn signals, but instead hit the windshield wipers, etc. Oh well, we made it, unscathed.
Then we planned out our Thailand trip a bit, so hopefully we can book tickets soon!!
Then we planned out our Thailand trip a bit, so hopefully we can book tickets soon!!
August 28
Slept in as much as we could, then asked Michael if we could borrow his car to go to the Gold Coast. He said yes, and after a nerve-wracking test drive with Lina, he handed over the keys! We got there around 4pm and sat on the beach for a second before the sun went down. Then ate some dinner, dyed Lina's hair, and watched The Notebook. We were passed out by 10pm on a Saturday night! Amazing..
August 27
Studied all day and then we went out to Fridays with Michael. Fridays on Fri is MUCH better than Fridays on a Wed!!! It was PACKED. We had a few happy hour drinks and then went to dinner nearby at an Asian restaurant. Then back to Fridays, without Michael, for the rest of the night. Lina has been telling us about this guy she sees everyday on the bus, and we saw him in the club. We started laughing because it was such a small world, so then they started laughing. We thought, he must recognize her too! So, we went over there and struck up a conversation, but he did NOT know her from the bus, so instead it was a pretty rocky ice breaker. Oh well, it ended up working out because we chatted with them for the rest of the night and he had some pretty good looking friends. They bought us drinks so many drinks that we lost count, we danced, exchanged shoes, etc. And finally shared a cab home (since he lives close to us)! But, he had a roommate, so we ended up walking to our house (because I invited them over without thinking). It was already 4am! So, then they just crashed on our couches and we went to sleep sometime around 5:30am. Lina did not get ANY sleep because they were snoring so loudly by her room. We will definitely be going back to Fridays. It was better than the West End and better than the Valley!
Photos of the housemates and me with this guy Mitch, who we got to trade shoes with Jillian!
Photos of the housemates and me with this guy Mitch, who we got to trade shoes with Jillian!
August 26
Woke up and my computer wasn't working. Apparently, it was blocked from the internet. I spent two hours in the morning trying to fix it. Finally gave up because I was freaking out so much that I decided to take it to a repair shop. Jillian, Lina and I went to brunch at Pando's in Paddington and I gave the computer guys my computer. They happened to be from Minnesota and Canada. I have no idea how I manage to run into every single hockey fan on this continent, but somehow I do! Anyway, brunch at Pando's, then I rushed off to class feeling like the day was already going badly. I made it just in time for class and the professor was discussing how our paper's have to be written by a membership organization. I had wanted to write about Dubai, but all tourist organizations there are government-owned, therefore I cannot write from the standpoint of a private org!! Ugh. So, went home and studied for the rest of the evening!
While waiting for the bus at dusk, I took this photo of the 4X brewery across the street. I could smell the hops or brewery or whatever.
While waiting for the bus at dusk, I took this photo of the 4X brewery across the street. I could smell the hops or brewery or whatever.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
August 25
Received an email from someone I interviewed with at the beginning of the year. Apparently the new concert venue in Long Beach had some fights in court and now won't be opening up after all. Too bad because the guy was hand-picking me for job as General Manager. Sigh. I guess it wasn't meant to be because now I'm here, in Australia. Maybe one day our paths will cross again and something will come of it. He seemed like a pretty cool guy. I didn't get much sleep on Tuesday night, so I slept in late on Wednesday and then trotted off to class. Came home and Lina wanted to celebrate finishing her big paper, so we headed out to drinks downtown at Fridays. Because it was a Wednesday, it was dead. But we had happy hour drinks and a delicious steak!
Then we decided to go to Casablanca because it was Salsa night. But it was a class with like a dozen 35-40 year olds... We watched anyway, then watched a Merengue class, then it was "social dance". A bunch of people tried to dance with me, and I finally got off the wall enough to try a few moves, but it's so hard because I am still so new to it. I was very nervous and kept making squeals when being turned. Like "I know I'm gonna mess up!!" Anyway, I still had a lot of fun, so maybe I'll go WAY outside my element and start salsa lessons... We took the last bus home and passed out.
Then we decided to go to Casablanca because it was Salsa night. But it was a class with like a dozen 35-40 year olds... We watched anyway, then watched a Merengue class, then it was "social dance". A bunch of people tried to dance with me, and I finally got off the wall enough to try a few moves, but it's so hard because I am still so new to it. I was very nervous and kept making squeals when being turned. Like "I know I'm gonna mess up!!" Anyway, I still had a lot of fun, so maybe I'll go WAY outside my element and start salsa lessons... We took the last bus home and passed out.
August 24
Met with my group for our group project on Edinburgh. We really work well together and seem to be so on top of this project. I'm very lucky to have such good group members. Manuel, our Mexican contingent, loaded his computer and had a mess of photos on his desktop. We asked them what they were and he told us sheepishly that it was his Vision Board. We then made him explain what a Vision Board is and he said it's basically a visualization of all his life goals. We all thought it was pretty cool and decided to make one for ourselves! Here is mine:
Another guest lecture in class today. Sometimes I feel like everything I've done in my life so far (studying marketing, work experience in events) has led me to Event Sponsorship Management. Too bad I dislike doing that, because it's the perfect mix of marketing and events. I just have to remember how much I didn't like ignition, when I worked for them. Maybe they aren't all like that, though.
Another guest lecture in class today. Sometimes I feel like everything I've done in my life so far (studying marketing, work experience in events) has led me to Event Sponsorship Management. Too bad I dislike doing that, because it's the perfect mix of marketing and events. I just have to remember how much I didn't like ignition, when I worked for them. Maybe they aren't all like that, though.
Monday, August 23, 2010
August 23
Rainy day, went to class, then studied for 4 hours in the library with no lunch break. Met Lina on my way back from class and we went to the store with our new friend, Andrea. Andrea is a waiter at our favorite Greek restaurant. He is from Italia and calls me Katarina. His accent is so beautiful Italian, it sounds like he sings every sentence. He offered to come cook an Italian dinner for us and how could we resist. He told us about all of his travels and different jobs from DJ to scuba instructor to rent-a-chef. We were just enamored with everything he said and gobbled up his words that were as delicious as his dinner. 3 bottles of vino, lots of cheese, and several hours later, we ate Linguine Ragu, Smashed Potatoes, and Pork with a cream sauce that was still pink and juicy. Lina and Jillian walked him to the train station and I read some journal articles for a group assignment.
I am so happy that once I am finished with this, we will have great friends from all over the world! Andrea is so sweet and we are excited to go visit him in Cairns when he moves there to do teach scuba!
I am so happy that once I am finished with this, we will have great friends from all over the world! Andrea is so sweet and we are excited to go visit him in Cairns when he moves there to do teach scuba!
August 22
Not much to say on Sunday. All three of us studied ALL day and didn't leave the house. Grad School is a lot more researching than I have ever done before. Jillian had a minor breakdown about one of her papers. Lina had one the 2nd week. I'm sure my breakdown is imminent!!
Sunday, August 22, 2010
August 21
Saturdays are turning into study days. I spent the morning researching flights for our Thailand trip in November, and then doing quite a bit of studying to try to get on top of my 4 reports due in September. We ordered pizza and Lina and I took a break from studying to get some Baskin Robbins. FINALLY I got my milkshake (thickshake) that I've been craving so much!! It was worth it. Then we came back and Michael had brought over the coordinator in Cambodia that we will probably go volunteer with when we go over there. And Michael's dad and dad's wife came by and checked out our digs, so I was VERY relieved that we had cleaned yesterday! Phew.
I can't tell you how relieved I am that the three of us get along so well. I don't think we could've planned it any better if we had tried! We joked before we left that with our majors (Public Health, International Relations, and Event Management) that we had a healer, peace-maker, and planner. But as time goes on, it couldn't be more accurate. There are times when I feel like two of us get along better than others, but that two-some always seems to change. Sometimes Lina and I get a little too overbearing and boisterous for Jillian, sometimes Jillian and I are too picky and need help with fashion/hair/etc, sometimes Jillian and Lina discuss friends I don't know because they have a longer history together, sometimes Jillian and I discuss Philanthro, sometimes Lina and I go nuts and start rearranging the furniture! Somehow, it works out well. Lina is a Leo, I'm a Sagittarius, Jillian's a Scorpio. That means Lina and I are both fire signs and get along very well because we think alike and are assertive. Jillian keeps cool, stays back and let's us take over. Today, I also looked up our Chinese horoscopes. Jillian and I are both pigs, Lina is a sheep; compatibly the best match for each other! Of course, we knew this already. Anyway, superstitions and horoscopes aside, we get along very well and haven't had many issues with each other. Sure there are minor annoyances here and there, but generally it is working out better than I could've hoped!
I can't tell you how relieved I am that the three of us get along so well. I don't think we could've planned it any better if we had tried! We joked before we left that with our majors (Public Health, International Relations, and Event Management) that we had a healer, peace-maker, and planner. But as time goes on, it couldn't be more accurate. There are times when I feel like two of us get along better than others, but that two-some always seems to change. Sometimes Lina and I get a little too overbearing and boisterous for Jillian, sometimes Jillian and I are too picky and need help with fashion/hair/etc, sometimes Jillian and Lina discuss friends I don't know because they have a longer history together, sometimes Jillian and I discuss Philanthro, sometimes Lina and I go nuts and start rearranging the furniture! Somehow, it works out well. Lina is a Leo, I'm a Sagittarius, Jillian's a Scorpio. That means Lina and I are both fire signs and get along very well because we think alike and are assertive. Jillian keeps cool, stays back and let's us take over. Today, I also looked up our Chinese horoscopes. Jillian and I are both pigs, Lina is a sheep; compatibly the best match for each other! Of course, we knew this already. Anyway, superstitions and horoscopes aside, we get along very well and haven't had many issues with each other. Sure there are minor annoyances here and there, but generally it is working out better than I could've hoped!
August 20
On Friday, we slept in late and made some breakfast, then spent the early afternoon cleaning our house. I took on the bathrooms, Jillian did the kitchen and floors, Lina dusted and cleaned surfaces. We felt much happier with a clean house. It was raining, so we studied for the afternoon and then headed to the West End for Jillian's favorite Greek restaurant with our favorite Italian waiter, Andrea. Then we hit up a couple bars, but since we were just kinda standing in a group of 3, it wasn't that fun. So, we got home before midnight! haha. I guess this is what it feels like to be old. As we got into the cab, one of the bartenders came rushing out to give me my camera, I had left it on the arm of a chair! I couldn't believe it. That would not have happened in LA! Thank goodness, I'm tired of losing my camera...
Thursday, August 19, 2010
August 19
Woke up dreading the day, but knowing it was the right thing, I pushed myself to get up on-time. I was so used to not having enough time that I left the house a whole hour early. It ended up being a blessing in disguise because it meant that when I got to the pool, it was less crowded, so I could share a lane with someone I could actually keep pace with. Phew! Feeling better after having gotten my exercise out of the way, I went to the computer lab for a very productive 1.5 hours of researching for my paper. I think I found too many journal articles - a first! I am now in love with both Google Scholar and EndNote, a referencing and citation program. Got a quick lunch, checked out a book from the library, and then off to class. I actually enjoyed the topics in class this week (maybe because they were all guest lectures)! Met with my group for a minute and decided on our presentation topic - Volunteer Tourism. Caught the bus downtown and jumped right on the next bus (everything seemed to be going well today!). Then I studied hard for the rest of the evening, engulfing myself in the world of Dubai Tourism for two of my papers. I made a delicious pasta for Lina and I and then back to studying for another hour or so before bed. Whew! What a day.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
August 18
Woke up and made myself the most delicious breakfast sandwich ever: English Muffin, Ham, Tomato, Poached Egg, and Cheese! Yum. I showered and then made some breakfast for Jillian, washed the dishes and decided it was going to be a good day! Bussed to school, in a happy mood and stopped to take some photos by the lake. I met a very curious duck:
And I finally paused to read a bench placed in memory of one "J.J." by a very beautiful tree overlooking the lake:
Class was another guest lecturer, this time a Kiwi who discussed the ROI and Opportunity Cost of hosting an international event, like the Olympics. I thought it was pretty interesting. Anyway, then I headed downtown to go to the bank, buy a Frisbee (!) and shop in the Farmer's Market with Jillian. Home and our internet that was supposed to be fixed today is still slow, so I can't do much research for my papers. Ugh.
And I finally paused to read a bench placed in memory of one "J.J." by a very beautiful tree overlooking the lake:
Class was another guest lecturer, this time a Kiwi who discussed the ROI and Opportunity Cost of hosting an international event, like the Olympics. I thought it was pretty interesting. Anyway, then I headed downtown to go to the bank, buy a Frisbee (!) and shop in the Farmer's Market with Jillian. Home and our internet that was supposed to be fixed today is still slow, so I can't do much research for my papers. Ugh.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
August 17
Woke up because Michael was measuring our windows for curtains, yay! And then Jillian made me some breakfast before I rushed off to school. I met my group to discuss our project on the big quad, in the beaming sun! Then, class time. My classmate from Barcelona asked how to say that you don't want to go to class. I told her it was called skipping, and she wanted to know if there was a more slang way of saying it. So I said, it's called playing hooky. She said, "Well I feel like hooking right now!" I had to tell her that sort of thing is illegal, and means a very different thing than what she wanted. Oh well.
Class was a guest lecturer instead of our usual mono-tone professor. The guest speaker talked very fast and kind of shouted at us. She didn't mean to, but it was a little intense. I'm starting to think I'm the one kid in class who raises their hand every time, because I asked two questions today which I'm sure the lecturer hated.
Class was a guest lecturer instead of our usual mono-tone professor. The guest speaker talked very fast and kind of shouted at us. She didn't mean to, but it was a little intense. I'm starting to think I'm the one kid in class who raises their hand every time, because I asked two questions today which I'm sure the lecturer hated.
August 16
Went to class, which was boring. Sometimes I wonder if I'm really in grad school during my Monday and Thursday classes. We talked about what a system is and then got into a group to draw a diagram of a tourism system. It felt a little rudimentary. Then, I ate lunch and browsed the internet for a bit before I went to meet Lina over at a hospital for a class on EndNote. It's a referencing software program that allows you to automatically insert correct citations and list of references according to the style required. Amazing! Bibliographies used to take 1/2 a day, but now, it's all quick! Took us forever to get home because the buses sucked. I did some homework while Lina tried to make tortillas from scratch. They tasted a lot more like pancakes. Haha Oh well. I read and went to bed early.

Sunday, August 15, 2010
August 15
On Sunday, we all slept in and then worked for the morning. In the late afternoon, we got out of the house and went to lunch and the grocery store for some other essentials. Then back home and helped Jillian with her paper, cooked a lamb roast, and I started planning for our Thailand trip in November.
August 14
On Saturday, we vowed to wake up early and go to the Farmer's Market. Jillian worked on her paper, and Lina and I went to the Market to buy some fresh fruits and veggies. But first, we discovered our ATM cards weren't working. We ate some breakfast downtown while we waited for the bank to open then asked them why our cards were failing. He explained the accounts to us and we understood, so we moved along to the market in the West End. We bought lots of fresh veggies, then headed home to meet up with Jillian. I had some studying to do, so I holed up in my room for the rest of the day. At one point, Michael invited us to walk to the park with him for a study break, so we played on the swings for a bit. Then Lina went to an Aboriginal Film Festival. We called it an early night and that was that.
Here's a photo of Lina and I on this bicycle thing. Michael told us if we both pedaled hard enough, it would move. This was a lie. Jillian had to push us...
Here's a photo of Lina and I on this bicycle thing. Michael told us if we both pedaled hard enough, it would move. This was a lie. Jillian had to push us...
August 13
On Friday, Jillian started working on her paper and I went to go meet up with Pancakes for a 2nd date. We just ended up walking around downtown and napping on some grass in a park. It was pretty cute. But, I wasn't really feeling it as much this time. Maybe it was all the crude jokes and bigotry that started to get to me. It was alright, but I'm not really looking for much more.
I got home and helped Michael and Lina move our new sofa bed into the guest room. Now we can have guests!!! Then, Lina and I rearranged the room to our liking...
Then we discussed going out to Jillian's classmate's barbeque, but by the time we got motivated to go there, it was pretty late. We caught the bus over to Caxton and then another bus to Paddington. All of us were starving, so we took a detour and ate at an Indian place called Punjabi. It was pretty good, but expensive. Then we walked to the friend's place and there wasn't much of a party there. Everyone smoked and I was fading fast. It wasn't my scene at all. So, we caught a cab home.
I got home and helped Michael and Lina move our new sofa bed into the guest room. Now we can have guests!!! Then, Lina and I rearranged the room to our liking...
Then we discussed going out to Jillian's classmate's barbeque, but by the time we got motivated to go there, it was pretty late. We caught the bus over to Caxton and then another bus to Paddington. All of us were starving, so we took a detour and ate at an Indian place called Punjabi. It was pretty good, but expensive. Then we walked to the friend's place and there wasn't much of a party there. Everyone smoked and I was fading fast. It wasn't my scene at all. So, we caught a cab home.
August 12
Thursday, back to classes, but first I signed up for a doctor's appointment to refill my birth control. They didn't have the same one I've been using, so I'm going on a new one. Hopefully it doesn't make me crazed. I warned the girls. Between the appt and class, I did some research in the library and checked out a book! Class was very boring, so I read my book for most of the time. Thursdays are nice, because I get home before the other two girls, so I have some good study time. I received a package from my friend back in the states and felt pretty darn special. That was about it.
August 11
No classes on Wednesday because of Ekka (a public holiday festival in Brisbane).
As I said in the previous post, this morning started out with me waking up in the shower. I cleaned up my room, slept on Lina's floor and made toast while we recapped the horrors of the night with Michael. Then, around noon, we decided to get on with our day's plans and head to the races. Lina was sick and needed to study, so she stayed in. Jillian and I rushed to get clothes on and we took van out to the racetrack for Ekka. Everyone here dresses up for the races and it was a spectacular fashion show of dresses, shoes and hats!! And all the guys looked pretty spiffy, too. Michael won his first race with I Luv Queenslanduh, but then lost the rest. I was feeling pretty shaky the whole time, so I didn't drink and actually ended up getting sick for a bit. Fun Times. On our way back, I parted from the rest of the crew and took the bus home. Jillian continued on for dinner and more drinks to see the Irish off.
As I said in the previous post, this morning started out with me waking up in the shower. I cleaned up my room, slept on Lina's floor and made toast while we recapped the horrors of the night with Michael. Then, around noon, we decided to get on with our day's plans and head to the races. Lina was sick and needed to study, so she stayed in. Jillian and I rushed to get clothes on and we took van out to the racetrack for Ekka. Everyone here dresses up for the races and it was a spectacular fashion show of dresses, shoes and hats!! And all the guys looked pretty spiffy, too. Michael won his first race with I Luv Queenslanduh, but then lost the rest. I was feeling pretty shaky the whole time, so I didn't drink and actually ended up getting sick for a bit. Fun Times. On our way back, I parted from the rest of the crew and took the bus home. Jillian continued on for dinner and more drinks to see the Irish off.
August 10
It was rainy, I was sick and so I went to campus early for a group project meeting. We met in some science building and discussed our project and decided to write about Festivals in Edinburgh. I am very thankful that everyone in my group is so diverse (Mexican, Spanish and Thai) and everyone seems to be a very good student, so I don't think we'll have any slackers. Then, because it was my mom's birthday in the states, I called her and talked her for a while before class. After class, I went downtown in search of a flask and ended up buying some clothes, too. I bought the flask and then realized that I didn't know what time the bus came. If I missed it, I would probably have to wait an hour and I wouldn't be able to afford that and get ready for dinner. Luckily, the bus came 2 minutes after I got to the stop. I went home, showered because I was soaked from the rain, and got ready for the Irish girls' goodbye dinner.
We went to Kings in Chinatown and drank wine that we brought. We played some sort of game to finish all of the wine that was spinning a spoon on the lazy susan. Whoever it landed on had to down their glass of wine. It landed on us several times, so by the time we left, we were feeling pretty good. We went to Jubilee, a bar in the Valley and drank more. This is when things start getting a little hazy for me. I remember talking to a group of guys in tuxes who immediately started making fun of our California accents. I'd had enough of the conversation, so I impolitely pointed out that his fly was down and walked away. Lina laughed in his face and his friends all laughed too. It was the best exit I could've hope for in such a situation. There were other details that I remember less. Suffice to say, I pissed one guy off a lot, left my jacket, and stole an umbrella. Back home, we went into Michael's jacuzzi. I don't remember much after that, just that I woke up in the shower.
I now have a nickname for some of my more aggressive actions of the night, which I will not share, but get teased for just about everyday. I will continue to blame embarrassing things on this said alter-ego for the entirety of my stay down under.
We went to Kings in Chinatown and drank wine that we brought. We played some sort of game to finish all of the wine that was spinning a spoon on the lazy susan. Whoever it landed on had to down their glass of wine. It landed on us several times, so by the time we left, we were feeling pretty good. We went to Jubilee, a bar in the Valley and drank more. This is when things start getting a little hazy for me. I remember talking to a group of guys in tuxes who immediately started making fun of our California accents. I'd had enough of the conversation, so I impolitely pointed out that his fly was down and walked away. Lina laughed in his face and his friends all laughed too. It was the best exit I could've hope for in such a situation. There were other details that I remember less. Suffice to say, I pissed one guy off a lot, left my jacket, and stole an umbrella. Back home, we went into Michael's jacuzzi. I don't remember much after that, just that I woke up in the shower.
I now have a nickname for some of my more aggressive actions of the night, which I will not share, but get teased for just about everyday. I will continue to blame embarrassing things on this said alter-ego for the entirety of my stay down under.
Monday, August 9, 2010
August 9
Back to school on Monday... Ran into my Korean classmate, who I saw at the bars on Friday. Today he said, "Oh, I almost didn't recognize you, you look SOO different! You were soo pretty at the bar. Oh, I mean, you're pretty now, but man, you look soo different!!" He said this MULTIPLE times. Gee, thanks. It's a Monday morning, what do you expect? I'm not gonna get all gussied up for class. We had our class in the computer lab so we could learn from the librarians how to look up books and journal articles. Pretty basic stuff. Then, I did a little research in the library for one of my projects. I took the bus to Paddington and ate some brunch at Sassafras and picked up a package from my mom... Walked back to the house with my giant package!
Here's the card she sent me with my backpack. So cute:
Here's the card she sent me with my backpack. So cute:
August 8
I made breakfast for everyone on Sunday and then Jillian and I went downtown to buy shoes for the Ekka races on Wednesday. Since the forecast is rain, we needed some cheap heels that would hold up in mud. Then, we walked to the West End for some late lunch/dinner. I tried to get a thickshake from a burger place, but should've gone to the Ice Creamery because I got the same liquid mess that I'd had the previous time. =( So disappointed! We headed back and hung out at home for the rest of the evening.
Here are some photos of our place. You can see that there is still no paint on the walls.
Our Living Room:
Our Kitchen and "Internet Cafe"
2nd Living area/Room that we never use
Here are some photos of our place. You can see that there is still no paint on the walls.
Our Living Room:
Our Kitchen and "Internet Cafe"
2nd Living area/Room that we never use
Saturday, August 7, 2010
August 7
Saturday! We woke up too late for the farmer's market (again), so we made some eggs at home. Then we hung out around the house, catching up on various things. Jillian and I made plans to use our new movie passes to see Inception. We got there with no time to spare and rushed to get snacks and tickets. Whatever website I had researched was wrong, and this chain of theaters did not accept the movie coupons. Oh well. So we got student discount rate and watched the movie. It was pretty good, a little intense and left you with a few questions... It had a suicide theme, which of course made me cry a bit...
Then we tried to go by the grocery store to pick up some necessities for dinner (Lina was making Chicken Adobo), but the Coles closes early on Saturdays! We decided to walk to a nearby convenience store in hopes they would have the ingredients. The closest 7-11 happened to be by the place where my date works and lives, so we walked passed and hoped that we wouldn't run into him... I walk into the 7-11 and he's the first person I see! Fabulous (I've just been crying in the theater and probably look like shit)! It was probably the most awkward encounter I've ever experienced, because neither of us were prepared to see the other. Flustered and unsuccessful in our search for ingredients, we leave the store, and they do, too. Waiting to cross the street, who should walk up but the waitress that served us at the Pancake Manor!! We all marveled at how random it was, and she tried to walk quickly away from the quite obviously awkward situation. I'm not sure what the probability is of this happening, but I have a feeling the chances are pretty slim.. For those of you that have seen Inception, it was a real mindfuck to run into these people, and felt a bit confusing. Were these people real, or did I just walk into a dream with projections of my subconscious?!?
Jillian and I went to the store on the way home and then recounted the story to Lina over some Adobo and Cream Liquor. Thankfully, I recovered with Pancakes, as he is nicknamed in my house, and he invited me to "sit on a bridge and throw rocks"... Ummm, cutest idea ever!! I love the simple things in life. However, it is now 11pm, and I'm pretty tired, so I think the boyish charm will have to wait until another night.
Then we tried to go by the grocery store to pick up some necessities for dinner (Lina was making Chicken Adobo), but the Coles closes early on Saturdays! We decided to walk to a nearby convenience store in hopes they would have the ingredients. The closest 7-11 happened to be by the place where my date works and lives, so we walked passed and hoped that we wouldn't run into him... I walk into the 7-11 and he's the first person I see! Fabulous (I've just been crying in the theater and probably look like shit)! It was probably the most awkward encounter I've ever experienced, because neither of us were prepared to see the other. Flustered and unsuccessful in our search for ingredients, we leave the store, and they do, too. Waiting to cross the street, who should walk up but the waitress that served us at the Pancake Manor!! We all marveled at how random it was, and she tried to walk quickly away from the quite obviously awkward situation. I'm not sure what the probability is of this happening, but I have a feeling the chances are pretty slim.. For those of you that have seen Inception, it was a real mindfuck to run into these people, and felt a bit confusing. Were these people real, or did I just walk into a dream with projections of my subconscious?!?
Jillian and I went to the store on the way home and then recounted the story to Lina over some Adobo and Cream Liquor. Thankfully, I recovered with Pancakes, as he is nicknamed in my house, and he invited me to "sit on a bridge and throw rocks"... Ummm, cutest idea ever!! I love the simple things in life. However, it is now 11pm, and I'm pretty tired, so I think the boyish charm will have to wait until another night.
August 6
No classes on Fridays! We all slept in and then Jillian had a breakfast date with a guy she met on the plane on the way over here. Too bad there wasn't as much of a connection off the plane. =( But at least she's getting herself out there and trying new things! =) I made some breakfast and then got ready to go downtown for a pancake lunch date. The pancake house was in an old church, so it was pretty cool actually, and it's open 24/7! I was pleasantly surprised how well the date went, so we'll see where this goes... My expectations are pretty low because I know I'm not looking for anything serious, just having some fun. So it's low pressure. Then I went to the bank to sort out some stuff so I could pay rent online, automatically. Jillian and Lina met up with Ashton at a mall, so I just went home and took a nap, made some dinner.
Here's a photo of the Pancake Manor:
We went out to Caxton Street for the Quest Society Party, which was OK... Met some new people, but nothing too exciting. There was a raffle with some pretty good prizes. Jillian and I won free movie tickets!! Well, when I say we "won" them, I mean in the way we have both won raffles before: the winner gave his prize to us for being so damn deserving! ;-) Anyway, Caxton Street is pretty dead on non-game days. So, once we left the party, we were shocked how empty the bars were. We decided to go to the Valley for a better scene, but when we got there, half the places were empty too! I guess Friday is not a popular night to go out... They still pour the WORST drinks. Lina and I watched in horror as one girl bartender poured half a shot into the glass, and then shook HALF of it out in a shaker, dropped the shaker a few times when trying to twirl it, and then proceeded to fill the rest up with soda. We ordered shots to pour into our drinks and it still wasn't strong enough. I'm getting really tired of this... Instead of getting drunk, the alcohol just makes me tired, so by the end of the night, I'm always in a bad mood and just want to go home. Oh well.
Here's a photo of the Pancake Manor:
We went out to Caxton Street for the Quest Society Party, which was OK... Met some new people, but nothing too exciting. There was a raffle with some pretty good prizes. Jillian and I won free movie tickets!! Well, when I say we "won" them, I mean in the way we have both won raffles before: the winner gave his prize to us for being so damn deserving! ;-) Anyway, Caxton Street is pretty dead on non-game days. So, once we left the party, we were shocked how empty the bars were. We decided to go to the Valley for a better scene, but when we got there, half the places were empty too! I guess Friday is not a popular night to go out... They still pour the WORST drinks. Lina and I watched in horror as one girl bartender poured half a shot into the glass, and then shook HALF of it out in a shaker, dropped the shaker a few times when trying to twirl it, and then proceeded to fill the rest up with soda. We ordered shots to pour into our drinks and it still wasn't strong enough. I'm getting really tired of this... Instead of getting drunk, the alcohol just makes me tired, so by the end of the night, I'm always in a bad mood and just want to go home. Oh well.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
August 5
Jillian made delicious breakfast as usual. We read all over facebook that California overturned Prop 8, the ban against same-sex marriage and were very excited!! So proud to be a Californian today. It's one topic I feel so strongly about. I truly believe that this is like the suffrage and civil rights. 50 years from now, everyone will know it was the right decision and we'll wonder what took so damn long to stop being ignorant!!
Anyway, I bussed to school with Lina early, so I could buy tickets for a party tomorrow night. The event is put on by Quest Society, which was made by exchange students to help international students meet other people and see the sights, with good deals, etc. Hopefully, we will meet some cool people at this thing. Then I went to the computer lab for a hour and headed to class, where I met some new people who happened to be going to this Quest thing, too! Small world. Anyway, I was supposed to go to the post office to pick up a package, but by the time I caught the bus, it was going to be too late, so I just went to the store on the way home, instead. Made some spaghetti and meatballs without my grandma's secret ingredient (because I can't find it in the stores, here!). Had a really great talk with Lina about our lives prior to this adventure. I really want to kick this cold before the weekend!
Anyway, I bussed to school with Lina early, so I could buy tickets for a party tomorrow night. The event is put on by Quest Society, which was made by exchange students to help international students meet other people and see the sights, with good deals, etc. Hopefully, we will meet some cool people at this thing. Then I went to the computer lab for a hour and headed to class, where I met some new people who happened to be going to this Quest thing, too! Small world. Anyway, I was supposed to go to the post office to pick up a package, but by the time I caught the bus, it was going to be too late, so I just went to the store on the way home, instead. Made some spaghetti and meatballs without my grandma's secret ingredient (because I can't find it in the stores, here!). Had a really great talk with Lina about our lives prior to this adventure. I really want to kick this cold before the weekend!
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
August 4
Made breakfast with Jillian again, then headed to class where I sat with my group. We discussed the group project for the class for a bit and then I went to the computer labs to try to print out some info, but the computers don't have USB ports! WTF. So, I guess I'll email them to myself. Anyway, then I printed out the loan deferment form for the Financial person and dropped it off there. Came home, studied and researched a little for my group project... That was about it, a pretty uneventful day.
My classes are pretty easy in comparison to Lina's. I'm thankful, but it also makes them a bit boring. Oh well. I wouldn't trade with her, so I guess I shouldn't complain.
My classes are pretty easy in comparison to Lina's. I'm thankful, but it also makes them a bit boring. Oh well. I wouldn't trade with her, so I guess I shouldn't complain.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
August 3
After coughing throughout the night, I resolved 2 things: 1. No swimming for me and 2. I need medicine! So, I slept in late and made some breakfast for Jillian (poached eggs, like we have everyday). I took the bus to class, and again ended up in the minority section (the people who choose to sit next to me are always the few non-Chinese in the class). Formed a group for the group project with the Barcelona girl and Manuel from Mexico and some chick from Holland! Hopefully they will be smart. Here's a photo of my walk to class:
It's nothing like the walks to class in Santa Cruz through the forest, but it ain't too shabby. The buses were so slow and late because of traffic through the city, but I finally got home. Jillian and I planned to go see Inception, so I ate a snack and we walked to Rosalie. They serve dinner in the theater, how awesome! But it was sold out!! What a bust. So, we walked back and stopped in the local Gourmet food store on the corner to check it out. I walked up and saw a plate of delicious looking sandwiches:
I had to take a double-take... Wait, they're FREE?? I felt a bit like Alice in Wonderland... But I just couldn't resist a free dinner! Amazing.
It's nothing like the walks to class in Santa Cruz through the forest, but it ain't too shabby. The buses were so slow and late because of traffic through the city, but I finally got home. Jillian and I planned to go see Inception, so I ate a snack and we walked to Rosalie. They serve dinner in the theater, how awesome! But it was sold out!! What a bust. So, we walked back and stopped in the local Gourmet food store on the corner to check it out. I walked up and saw a plate of delicious looking sandwiches:
I had to take a double-take... Wait, they're FREE?? I felt a bit like Alice in Wonderland... But I just couldn't resist a free dinner! Amazing.
Monday, August 2, 2010
August 2
I was not looking forward to going to school sick today. Mostly because my classmates all come from China, where sick people wear masks. Sitting in a packed lecture hall, coughing was bound to get dirty looks. My bus was late, as usual, then made a wrong turn and had to backtrack. I've never seen a bus driver actually go the wrong way! A little girl sat in front of me (not next to her parents) and got thrown to the other side of the bus during a turn. She kept holding a stick straight up and I was so afraid she was gonna fall again and poke her eye out! I coughed into my hands and the girl sitting 2 rows in front of me stood up and moved to the other side of the bus. Wow. My class is pretty basic and the professor is funny. So hopefully it'll be easy. Then I hurried home so that I could go with Michael and crew to lunch for Lina's birthday! Very nice of everyone to get together for the occasion. Then we did some grocery shopping while we had use of Michael's trunk. We rushed to make cupcakes before Jillian's class and gave Lina her birthday present - a cool purple lamp we had seen in Paddington. Studied/hung out/job searched for the rest of the evening. Hopefully my cold will get better soon, although it's starting to feel worse! =(
August 1
Ate a delicious breakfast at Chey's and walked across the street to the beach for an hour or two. 77 degrees and not a cloud in the sky! I couldn't believe this is the middle of Winter for them!! I am not looking forward to humid summers! We packed up our things, and went to eat lunch at a cafe in downtown Main Beach and discussed how we'd love to live at the beach all the time. It makes me miss my days in Redondo! We headed back on the train to Brissy and made reservations for Lina's birthday dinner at the Asian restaurant in Rosalie that we always see packed. It was pretty decent. The best part was walking there, laughing about stories of the weekend and rockin out to some jams on my ipod. What can I say? Life is good.
July 31
Our original plan to wake up and go to the farmer's market downtown was foiled because we woke up, hungover. Instead, we just made some breakfast and packed up to head down to the Gold Coast. We met Chey and went out for some lunch (sushi), picked up some drinks for later and hung out at her beachside abode for the rest of the afternoon. Here, they sell pre-mixed Rum and Cokes, only next time we will mix our own because they were only 5% alcohol. Anyway, we took a late night walk on the beach after dark. It was beautiful and still pretty warm. Sometimes I just can't believe I'm in Australia. Life felt pretty good with the sand beneath my toes, surf on one side, friends on the other and a blanket of stars above. I felt pretty darn lucky.
We got ready and went out for Lina's birthday. I'm getting very sick of the $10 weak drinks. Last time I checked a Vodka Red Bull was yellow, I don't know why ours was brown. I guess some coke got mixed in, too. Horrible. We ended up running into a guy from Lina's class and all of his friends. One of them mentioned that if my grandfather was an ANZAC, I might be able to get citizenship and reduce my tuition. What a great idea! I looked later, though and I think my parents have to have been citizens, so it might not work. Anyway, Jillian and Chey went back home and Lina and I went to a club which the guys had to pay $20 (each!) for. They played only trance music so we left pretty fast and found Jillian and Chey trying to hail a cab.
Here is a photo of the view from Chey's apartment in Main Beach. Gorgeous!
We got ready and went out for Lina's birthday. I'm getting very sick of the $10 weak drinks. Last time I checked a Vodka Red Bull was yellow, I don't know why ours was brown. I guess some coke got mixed in, too. Horrible. We ended up running into a guy from Lina's class and all of his friends. One of them mentioned that if my grandfather was an ANZAC, I might be able to get citizenship and reduce my tuition. What a great idea! I looked later, though and I think my parents have to have been citizens, so it might not work. Anyway, Jillian and Chey went back home and Lina and I went to a club which the guys had to pay $20 (each!) for. They played only trance music so we left pretty fast and found Jillian and Chey trying to hail a cab.
Here is a photo of the view from Chey's apartment in Main Beach. Gorgeous!
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